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Devonian bedrock makes up a large portion of the bedrock in New York state. More than or around one third  of the bedrock is Devonian in New York. Bedrock was deposited in New York state all through the Devonian period. Along the flat southern line of New York up to around the Finger Lakes, Devonian bedrock stretches from the eastern side to around Kingston, NY. 

New york


the devonian period

During the Devonian period, New York was still part of the supercontinent Euramerica. Euramerica was right on the equator so New York was nice and tropical 400 million years ago. 

During the Devonian period a few important geologic events occurred. The Catskill delta forms and the Acadian mountains begin to erode during this time. Along with that, the Acadian orogeny caused by a collision of North America and Avalon. In addition to the Acadian orogeny, this collision closed the remaning part of the Iapetus ocean. 

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